Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm done...almost!!

Its been a stressful week - In all honesty, I just didn't think it was going to get over!! But the good news is, I'm done.

I'm done!!


Well... not completely, but my writing is over. I'm now working on InDesign. Its a total of 17,403 words. I've conducted the study in an inverted pyramid format or Funnelling Format - I've started with an introduction to the case, then moved on to my Secondary Research, which is my literary review. From there I've moved on to the 5 case studies - which is my Comparative Audit. Then, I've narrowed further in to my In-depth Analysis of Bailou, after which I have described the results of my own field test. This section includes my samples. I then created a matrix of my study. This matrix has resulted in 5 variables that I have deduced from my research, as essential attributes to Design Intervention. This section also includes my analysis, and comparison of my field test against the other case studies.

I've also gotten all my samples, and my next blog entry will have the pictures. My submission is on Monday, and I will be back in Bangalore on Saturday, the 11th of October. The sense of relief is overpowering. It's also a little scary - seems almost too good to be true!!

1 comment:

Abhishek Swami said...

Hey Nafisa,

Very Impressive work I must say.. :)

Abhishek Swami