Friday, August 29, 2008

My trip was cut short by a day.... I fell ill. Its not how I planned it at all! But it's alright. I've uploaded some more pictures on my flickr account, of this trip. It was nice being there - takes a little while to get used to the silence!! But I was staying in the middle of all the weavers, which was nice. I visited my neighbours, to see the work that was going on. Some working for Bailou, some for other export houses. Lots of tangal saris. I could meet the weavers I'm working with only post seven in the evening, because that was the only time they had free. We spoke about my college, what I learn, what this project is about. We also spoke about the state of handloom, the demands, the loyalties of the weavers. It was an eye-opener, and it is a mindset. There are those few who have different ideas, and are struggling to strike a balance between what is, and what they want. For the rest, its a mindset.

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